an ok attempt
it was ok. considering your own comments i feel this is your first sprite flash. but next time try ading some sound and a background. BGHQ has loadsof DBZ ones to use and abuse
an ok attempt
it was ok. considering your own comments i feel this is your first sprite flash. but next time try ading some sound and a background. BGHQ has loadsof DBZ ones to use and abuse
thanks was having trouble finding right ones so didnt use any :O
i know how you feel
your not alone i've had flash for a while and i still can't do good enough.
however i know how to solve your problem.
on the last keyframe, type something like the end with replay underneath it.
then click on the text and press f8 and convert to button then type in the main timeline actions (f9)
this means it will stop on whatever frame you aplied it to and will not continue
then right click on the button saying replay chose actions and then type
this means whenever you click on the replay button it will go to and play whatever frame number you typed in the brackets.
i hoped this helped :)
ur right u r crap at paintin
but thats not why this stinks. it's cos ur guys dont speak. u have annoying music and ur guys legs dont move
WHATS WITH THAT??????????????????
if u can't make their legs move then get rid of the legs and make them fly
lol my 1º flash ever, why dont u do better then?
ive gone insane with boredom
muhahahahah Hhaahahaahah hMHAHAHAHAHHA
Joined on 2/2/08